Akpol Plus - bin manufacturer
Today, litter bins have become an indispensable element of all architecture. Caring for the environment around us is the basis for the survival of our planet.
Our products are the perfect answer to the significant human needs that accompany us every day. However, a professional business partner is necessary to implement them.

A trustworthy bin manufacturer
This is what our company is like, because we not only understand customer expectations, which we implement efficiently, but also constantly develop our offer. We have proved this to be the case more than once.
We always apply the highest standards in contacts with our clients, municipal services companies, cities, communes or housing communities.
When negotiating contracts for street bins or benches, we treat the other party as legitimate partners and always come to an agreement with them.

Weather-resistant bins
We specialize in creating litter bins for outdoor use.
Correct preparation of the surface before its coating with paint and the selection of appropriate quality materials is the basic element of production, so that our products can be characterized by the best resistance to weather conditions.
For the application of the varnish coat, we use only certified paints of the best European producers.
Many years of experience in the production of bins
During many years of operation, our cast iron and metal bins have appeared in many cities, on crowded city streets or public buildings.
We can boast of the successful implementation of many orders for metal and cast iron street bins, which have become the perfect complement to multi-million investments.
Many of them have become showpieces of cities, and satisfied customers often come back to us.
Urban architecture of the highest quality
We believe that it is important to equip public space with the highest quality details, i.e. elements of street furniture, especially litter bins, which raise the image of the city in the eyes of residents and tourists.

Free adaptation to the customer's needs
We consult the bins and benches we produce with our regular customers to constantly improve our products and increase their functionality.
We are able to adapt to even the most demanding customers and meet their expectations by creating dedicated and unique products.